Diego has always dreamed of playing professional soccer, and has worked very hard to develop his skills. A semi-professional soccer training camp recently invited him to practice with them. Although he did not make the final cut, Diego plans to train hard and apply once more in the Spring. In the meantime, he is applying to local teams where he can make money and continue training. “Giving up is not an option,” smiled Diego. He is more determined than ever to pursue his dream of playing in a professional league.


We are thankful to God for allowing us to serve our community through our Christian school. This year we have over 300 students in our preschool, elementary, and middle school programs. At our opening ceremony this semester we welcomed more parents than ever before, packing out the gymnasium. We are excited for the opportunity to provide a high-quality education to the underprivileged children in our community, as well as to share the gospel with them and their families. Please pray for this new school year as we work together to accomplish this important task.


We recognize all of our mailed contributions as we receive them, and each of these acknowledgments includes the current cumulative amount for the year. Thus, the last mailed donation each contributor received in 2018 serves as the end-of-the-year statement for mailed contributions, and no additional statement will be sent. However, donors who contributed online will have received an email acknowledging their total online contributions in 2018. If you have any questions or want to request another copy of your contribution statement, please contact Misi Schlax at misi@aguavivahome.org.


Kevin graduated from high school and left the Agua Viva program last fall. When his mother passed away several years ago, it motivated him to pursue a better life. Thanks to the help of one of his sponsors, Kevin is currently studying at a university in Chimaltenango. His areas of concentration are systems engineering and computer sciences. He also is working part-time to support himself while he is pursuing his education. We are proud of Kevin’s hard work!


Many of you saw on Facebook that physicians recently diagnosed one of the older boys in our transition home with Guillain-Barré syndrome. This disease is extremely rare in young people and left Alvaro completely paralyzed. After spending a couple of weeks in the hospital, he moved in with one of his older sisters for the recovery process. It will take at least 6 months of physical therapy for Alvaro to regain his mobility. At the present he has regained his ability to hold up his head and move his arms, and he is starting to feed himself. Please continue to pray for his recovery!


We are happy to welcome two new children to the Agua Viva family. Ashly (12) and Erwin (8) both are enjoying their time at the Home. Please pray that God would use their time here to heal their hearts and show them His love.