Henry’s Story
We wrote this story before the coronavirus outbreak. Recently, we caught up with Henry to get an update about how the pandemic has impacted him. He informed us that he’s working as a nurse in the hospital in Guatemala City where doctors reported the country’s first cases of the coronavirus.
“I’m happy to have the opportunity to serve people during this difficult time. This is what I prepared myself for! I must confess that I’m a bit uneasy because my job puts me at high risk of catching and transmitting the coronavirus. I also feel isolated because friends, neighbors, and even family members see health workers as contaminated because we work in hospitals. I trust God and pray for strength as Guatemala endures these difficult days. This is an excellent time to talk with people about Jesus. Everyone can be saved by Jesus’ grace, love, and forgiveness!”
We praise God for Henry’s strong faith and ask you to join us in prayer for him and all medical personnel who are serving on the front lines.
Original Story:
Henry is 24 years old and works as a nurse at a private hospital in Guatemala City. He’s part of a small church planting team here in Colonia Puerto Rico and has a heart to share the gospel with everyone he meets.
Growing up in a family where resources were tight, Henry learned that it’s important to take advantage of opportunities because they don’t come along every day. Because his parents value education, they choose to live in a corrugated metal building instead of a block home because it’s less expensive. They use the saved income to pay for their children’s education.
Henry began attending Agua Viva Christian School when he was in the 3rd grade and continued his middle school studies here thanks to a scholarship. Agua Viva also awarded him a scholarship to help him finish high school, along with some resources and a part time job while he was in nursing school. Now that Henry has a steady income, he plans to pay for his youngest brother to attend the university so he can become a doctor.
Henry once dreamed of becoming a chef, but cooking school is expensive and job opportunities in this field are scarce. After receiving counsel from Agua Viva’s staff, he decided to pursue a nursing degree because it would be a good avenue for fulfilling his passion to serve people. Within months of working in a hospital setting, Henry received an award for the high quality of care he provides.

(Note: This photo was taken before COVID-19 outbreak. Henry wanted to make sure you know that the hospital now requires better personal protection gear when working with patients.)
“I can see God guiding my life,” said Henry. “I’ve always wanted to serve God, but I never dreamed it would be in a hospital. Aside from the great education I received, I’ve taken away two lessons from Agua Viva: the spiritual discipline of daily prayer and a good work ethic. Agua Viva taught me always to go the extra mile in every project. I also pray daily for wisdom in my work and for my patients.”
Agua Viva makes a difference, not only in the lives of our students and their families but in the lives of those our students go on to serve.