2022 Starting Strong
Classes officially have resumed at Agua Viva, and we’re happy to report that we have 56 new students! Our teachers’ hard work has paid off and word is spreading quickly about their expert adaptation of the school curriculum to an online format to remain in compliance with Guatemala’s Covid regulations.

While we had hoped to launch the year with in-person instruction, the government has required that at least the first semester of classes continue online. While guidelines remain in flux, we’re anticipating that at least our middle school and our high school will transition to residential classes at some point this year. Please pray that our staff would have wisdom and that the government would approve in-person training.
Our high school computer technologies program recently launched its third year of activities. In addition to a CISCO “IT Essentials” course, we added an “Introduction to Networking” module this year. This program provides practical training as well as a certification diploma that will give students an advantage when they look for work. If you’re interested in helping to fund our technologies program or any of our other computer needs, please contact us at misi@aguavivaschool.org.

We are hard at work making our new daycare space look amazing, but we’re saving all the details for a final reveal in the near future. Please be in prayer that the government will give us final approval to open soon. This program is an essential resource for our community, and we believe God will use the new ministry in exiting new ways. Thank you for joining us on this journey. A donation to our general fund will help us to ensure that our daycare is a success.
The pandemic has created growing financial difficulties for many students’ families who already were struggling before the commencement of the current health crisis. While most of our scholarship families are required to pay a small percentage of their children’s tuition, the current situation has made this obligation very difficult, or even impossible, for many parents. As a result, over the past two years Agua Viva has covered a much larger portion of the school tuition payments and we plan to continue helping these families until the financial crisis stabilizes.